Debtor Payments

For Debtors looking to make a payment on their account we offer the following options:

1. Pay Online Now

Click on the link below to pay by check or with a credit card and you will be directed to a secure payment website.  Please note that certain cardholder agreements may prohibit the use of credit cards and as a result, charge a cash advance fee. Debtors should refer to their cardholder agreement with their bank.

2. Call in Your Payment

Call us at 781-995-0072.  We have representatives available Monday – Friday from 9:00am to 5:00pm Eastern Time.

To expedite the call, please have the following available:

  • Account Number

  • Payment Method

  • Paying by Credit or Debit Card – Have Credit or Debit Card number, expiration date, and CVV code available

  • If you are paying by check please have your routing number and checking account number available

All calls may be monitored and recorded for quality assurance.

3. Mail Your Payment

Mail your personal check, money order, or cashier’s check to:

North Colony Law Group LLC
400 TradeCenter, Suite 5900
Woburn, MA 01801

Make Checks Payable to: North Colony Law Group

Please remember to include your account number on your check.